BristolCon 2024
(Saturday October 26th to Sunday October 27th 2024)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: Peter F Hamilton and Joanne Harris
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details

Latest News From BristolCon

  •    22/05/2024 10:19:18 - A Call for Programme Panel Items Spring is here and our programme head has finally awakened after going to ground straight after last year’s con. At this point, he is still blinking in the sunlight... Read More...
  •    15/05/2024 09:52:20 - Membership Price Rise Timely reminder to buy your membership before midnight on the 31st May.  Read More...
  •    06/05/2024 09:54:24 - BSFA Awards 2023 - Winners BristolCon are very pleased that two of our previous Guests of Honour have won their respective categories in the 2023 BSFA Awards which were presented at this year’s Eastercon. Read More...

Welcome to

BristolCon is a science fiction and fantasy convention organized by the BristolCon Committee. The primary aim of the event is to support the Science Fiction and Fantasy community within the South West of the United Kingdom, and to promote the works of Science Fiction and Fantasy authors, artists, businesses, and performers within the United Kingdom and further afield. The convention was created in 2009 by members of the Bristol Fantasy & SF Society, and has since become renowned as a fun, friendly, and informative addition to the UK’s convention calendar.

Each year we feature panel discussions and lectures, an art show, and small group sessions including kaffeeklatsch and workshops. Books, comics and merchandise are available in the dealers’ room and authors will be available for book signings.

Funds from this event are made available to the BristolCon Foundation to be awarded as grants to those within the community who apply for financial assistance or support. Please see the Foundation page for more details