BristolCon 2024
(Saturday October 26th to Sunday October 27th 2024)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: Peter F Hamilton and Joanne Harris
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details


Programme Participation

Published on 02/08/2024 09:37:44 by Meg

We will shortly be sending an email to the membership which allows you to influence the content of this year’s programme. This is something that we have done for many years and it is very successful in that it ensures that the programme is tailored to suit both the contributors and the audience.

This year, with two days to fill, there are a lot more options on the form. If you have signed up as a participant, you get options to participate and/or watch each item. You can also choose to do a reading, moderate, or run your own workshop. Spaces are limited for workshop slots so be sure to respond early. 

Keep your eyes peeled for your invitation and be sure to respond before the deadline set as we will need to pin down the final programme some weeks before the event. If you did not select the “participate” option when you registered, please update your membership details using the link in the welcome email or write to membership (at) bristolcon (dot) org for further guidance.