BristolCon 2024
(Saturday October 26th to Sunday October 27th 2024)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: Peter F Hamilton and Joanne Harris
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details


Membership Price Rise

Published on 15/05/2024 09:52:20 by Meg

Membership prices for this year’s event will rise on 1st June for all membership types and durations. 

With Guests of Honour Peter F Hamilton and Joanne Harris, and a new two-day format, this will be our biggest ever event with a whole host of authors, artists, and merchants gathering to celebrate all things SF&F. Members also receive a discount code for hotel reservations in their welcome email. 

Check your spam filters if your welcome email is not received or write to membership(at) bristolcon(dot) org

Further Reading...