BristolCon 2025
(Saturday October 25th to Sunday October 26th 2025)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: To be Announced
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details


Early Bird sign up confirmation emails

Published on 03/03/2024 01:27:05 by Meg

If you signed up for our 2024 BristolCon convention at or shortly after our last event, we have some very good news for you.

Firstly, our Guests of Honour are confirmed as Joanne Harris and Peter F Hamilton. In addition it is, as voted for overwhelmingly by 2023 attendees, a TWO DAY event held on 26th and 27th October 2024 at our usual venue of the Doubletree Hilton Hotel on Redcliffe Road. 
More information is on our website:

We said that anyone who pre-registered would benefit from full membership whether we did a one day or a two day event. This means your pre-registration entitles you to attend both days without anything further to pay.

We recently emailed all pre-registered members with this information and links to update your profile and tick boxes for participation, assisting, and appearance on our list of attendees. Please check your mail boxes and spam bins for this message and contact membership(at)bristolcon(dot)(org) if it hasn’t arrived.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in October