BristolCon 2025
(Saturday October 25th to Sunday October 26th 2025)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: To be Announced
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details


The return of the book swap table

Published on 19/09/2023 09:53:54 by Nik

In the time BC - Before Covid - BristolCon used to operate a book swap table where members could bring along books they had finished and wanted to pass on to others. Sadly this was not practical in the pandemic era, but we're satisfied that it is now safe enough to bring it back.

So bring those books that you've finished and can't give bookshelf space to (or even those that you've never managed to finish!) and add them to the pile on the book swap table. Then help yourself to any books that you fancy. Can't face parting with any of your books? Then take some more home to join them anyway. :)