BristolCon 2024
(Saturday October 26th to Sunday October 27th 2024)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: Peter F Hamilton and Joanne Harris
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details


Don\'t forget to fill in the programme questionnaire!

Published on 08/08/2023 09:28:48 by Nik

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All convention members should have received an email about the convention programme. Every year we create a long list of possible programme items that we send out to our membership to see which items they're most interested in. Then we wait for you to give us your opinions and we build the programme guided by these. You can not only say what you're interested in attending, but also if you're interested in being a panel member for any of the items.

If you haven't responded to the email yet then please do so by the end of August. It really does help us build our great convention programmes.