BristolCon 2025
(Saturday October 25th to Sunday October 26th 2025)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: To be Announced
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details


BristolCon Fringe Returns!

Published on 24/01/2023 17:24:57 by Nik

Fringe is a monthly event presented by BristolCon. It's aims are to highlight and promote authors, artists, and performers in the Southwest and further afield by offering a space to perform. Some events will be big, some will be small, but all will be wicked!

Each Monthly Fringe is free to enter for BristolCon members and anyone who wants to come in. The plan for Fringe is to run one a month until September with October's event being the open mic night at the Convention.

In a break from tradition we will be offering Fringe event nights to groups, so for instance a local author collective, small or large publisher, or a marginalised group of people. To do this we need people to "apply" to run a Fringe (fully supported by the Fringe team of streaming and tech etc) If you think your group would like to do a Fringe take over please email: and we'll start working things out.

Fringe is also happy to assist with Book Launches and can offer advice and assistance with venues and other event based queries.