BristolCon 2024
(Saturday October 26th to Sunday October 27th 2024)

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Guest(s) of Honour: Peter F Hamilton and Joanne Harris
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details

About Tom Mason

Tom Mason is a writer from Bristol. He is a graduate of The University of Bristol Creative Writing MA with Distinction and his first full-length novel, The Grief Tree, a science fiction novel exploring digital afterlives, is currently being queried with agents. Described as The Echo Wife meets Black Mirror, by way of The Overstory,The Grief Tree is about AI, love, and the legacy each of us leave when we die. Tom is currently working on his second manuscript, Runt. The novel, Wool crossed with Piranesi, follows the journey of an outcast looking for a place to belong on a nomadic society set in a futuristic ship-breaking yard.