BristolCon 2025
(Saturday October 25th to Sunday October 26th 2025)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: To be Announced
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details

About Mark Christopher Iles

Mark\'s three novels in \'The Darkening Stars\' series were published by Solstice Publishing: \'A Pride of Lions\' in 2013, \'The Cull of Lions\' in 2014, and \'Roar of Lions\' in 2017. A collection of short stories, \'Falling From Grace & Others\' and several novellas have also been published. \'Gardens of Earth\' - Book 1 of \'The Sundering Chronicles\', was released by Elsewhen Press in August 2021. They have also accepted Book II in the series, \'A Voice in the Darkness\', and Book III is now in progress. While his fiction tends to vary occasionally it generally remains entrenched in SF, Fantasy and Horror. His tales have appeared in the pages of Back Brain Recluse, Dream, New Moon, Auguries, Haunts,, Screaming Dreams, Write to Fight, Escape Velocity and Monk Punk. Mark\'s non-fiction work includes copywriting and features, such as interviews and \'how to\' articles. These have been published in Combat, Fighters, Taekwondo Times, Martial Arts Illustrated, Taekwondo & Korean Martial arts, Junk (Hong Kong), Totally Taekwondo, and